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Flower cleans


Flower cleans

World Weightlifting Championships 2010

If this guy caught the bar right here and didnt drop anymore this would be considered a deep power clean

Thursday 11/17/16
Clean wamrup
EMOM 8 min:
3 position DEEP power clean (floor/knee/high hang) w/2 mississippi in each position
*deep power means catching it in almost a full squat
EMOM 21min:
1 min: 20/15 cal or 15/10 cal bike/ski
1 min: 15 burpees
1 min: 3 clean and jerks (155/105)

In-case you didnt know. Black Friday is coming up. As usual Rogue will be doing their super deals, so check you all the new gear you need for the holidsay. Also has a new website called CrossFit Stuff. Check it out

CFD X-mas party will either be Dec 10th or 17th. We will have it set for sure in the next couple days


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