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Fire it up


Fire it up


First match this Thursday!

Back squat 8/25/14
EMOM 8 min:
dgh1 min: 30 second L-sit hang
1 min: 10 KB taters
Back squat
4xMax reps @80% (3 sec pause at bottom)
*if you performed more than 5 reps last week add 10#
AMRAP 12 min:
Run 800m
Max reps burpee
Run 800m
*Every second over 12 min is 1 burpee taken off of your total. Goal is to do the most burpees possible while still leaving enough time to complete your last 800m run

Dont hold it in. Why grunting may help you 

Why LeBron James is suddenly skinny 

Check out the action from the second Grid match. Dont forget to get your tickets for this Thursday for the Philly Founders vs. the SF Fire! 

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