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Everyone loved this last time


Everyone loved this last time

Hopefully you row faster than a 9:10/500m pace

Tuesday 10/2/18

Against a 30 min clock
5 rounds for total reps
Max reps strict press (50%/40% BW)
Max reps Chest to bar pullups
Max effort 25/20 Calorie row
*20 Bonus reps every time you finish your rows under 1 min. If you walked through the rows last time try 28/23 for an extra 25 reps

General fitness

Against a 30 min clock:
5 rounds:
Max reps DB strict press
Max reps Ring rows
Max effort 25/20 Calorie row

Barbells for boobs! October 20th! Almost at $3,000!

84% of vegetarians go back to meat again within 3 months

Can anyone even get the screen to read 1:11??

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