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Easy week…..


Easy week…..

Adam and his daughter represented CFD well at the CFA fundraiser. Great job guys!

Adam and his daughter represented CFD well at the CFA fundraiser. Great job guys!

Monday 2/25/13
3 rounds:
20 barbell step up
20 see the light situps
3 rounds for total reps:
2 min max reps KB swings (53/35)
2 min max reps toes to bar
2 min max reps hang power cleans (135/95)

Ask coach: For the situps and step ups use the heaviest weight you can handle. Do not let trail leg help you step up, all the work should be done with the lead leg. HOOK GRIP will help out on the conditioning wod…

Last week was PR week as we tested all of our 1RMs. This week will take it a little “easy” on the lifting but we will still be lifting some. Next week we will get back at it. I am really happy with all of the numbers everyone put up this past cycle! All except for the snatch….expect to see some more snatching in your future. 

As you all know the open starts next Wednesday. We will be running heats of the weekly wod on the weekends, Saturday and Sunday at 11am. If you cannot make it then we can work something out during the week. Try to make it out on the weekend, its an awesome atmosphere and is a really good time to compete and hang out with anybody. If you have any questions on the open please let Joe or myself know

Organs tailor made with bodys own cells

Strength first then cardio

This is a little impressive…

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