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Dream of wallballs


Dream of wallballs

Sometime you gotta just dance out the nerves

Sometime you gotta just dance out the nerves

Friday 3/22/13
3 snatch first pulls+1 hang snatch from knees
In teams of 2:
AMRAP 15 min
2 Wall climbs
2 Turkish getups (53/35)
*Parnter A does the amrap partner B Holds (155/105) overhead

Heres how we’re gonna do the heats for this weekend. Since we have only 4 sets of rings to do muscle ups we can only have 4 people doing muscle ups at a time per heat, but we still want to do heats of 8. Soooo when you sign up for a heat there will be 4 muscle up spots and 4 regular spots. IF YOU KNOW 100% THAT YOU WILL NOT GET TO/GET A MUSCLE UP  OR DONT MIND SHARING RINGS, write your name for a heat lik we have been. If you plan on playing with the rings put an x in front of your name, if the heat you want to sign up for already has 4 names with an x in front then sign up for the next one. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR A HEAT

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 13.3 tips and advise 

Want to get better at wallballs, cleans, snatches, thrusters, box jumps, kettlebells swings, push press, push jerk, life….squat this low every time

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