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Doing CrossFit makes you get arrested


Doing CrossFit makes you get arrested


Big man moving some weight!

Friday 6/26/15
In teams of 3 or 4 or 5:
For time:
1 mile sled drag (180/135)
*If you are on a team using different weights the people not pulling the sled must carry them until its their turn
In teams of 2:
AMRAP 8 min:
5 Deadlifts (225/155)
5 Deadlifts (225/155)
5 Handstand pushups
5 Handstand pushups
*Partner A does 5 deadlifts then B does 5. A does 5 HSPU B does 5 HSPU.

Whole Foods accused of massive overcharging 

This is an interesting CrossFit plug….Rick Ross denied bailafter his assault arrest: His 100 lb CrossFit weight loss

Some tips from the NorCal legend 

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