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Do you know who pukie is?


Do you know who pukie is?


Pukie lives!

Pukie lives!

Pre workout mobility to be done before class: Unglue your heel cord


3 rounds for QUALITY:
8-12 Rung pushups (rings to armpits/ turnout at top)
Max strict supinated grip pullups (max 12)
KB windmill 5/arm (heaviest possible)
4 attempts to find a max:
Push press+push jerk+split jerk
5 rounds for total reps:
30 Seconds max reps pullups
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds max reps clean and jerk (135/95)
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds max reps box jump up and over (24/20)
Rest 30 seconds

11 rules of success, from the people who got it right

Who’s in your inner circle?

CrossFit games meets X-games????

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