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Do you have text claw?


Do you have text claw?


Now just imagine your partner doing a burpee jumping over your feet

Friday 9/6/13
Front squat
Work up to a heavy single
3×1@90% and 1@95% of above
Against a 15 min clock:
In teams of 2:
20 L-sit facing burpees
30 Muscle ups or 60 Parallette shoot throughs w/ pushup and dip
40 KB Front rack lunges (53/35)
50 Handstand pushups
Max reps Burpee muscle ups

Thats right theres another comp this weekend. Over at Hercules CrossFit they will be having “Battle of the sexes”. This is a men vs. women comp split up into age groups. 20s 30s 40s and 50s.  We have 8 people competing. In the 20s we have Danielle, Ashley, Arnold, and myself. In the 30s we have power couple Joe and Morgan. In the 40s we have the buffness himself Adam, and in the 50s we have Pops Sulon in his competition debut. If you have time on Sunday please come out and cheer everyone on. We have a rep now as best crowd around so we need to keep that up!

Should the U.S. adopt a fat tax?

Text claw: How to alleviate pain from too much smartphone usage. If you have this problem you should probably back off a bit….

This looks absolutely horrible but it gives me some good ideas…

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