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Cant wait to no rep some wallballs!


Cant wait to no rep some wallballs!


Have you been practicing your double unders?

Thursday 3/13/15
Spend 15 min working on a skill you struggle with
*OPEN PEOPLE: must practice muscle ups and or double unders
EMOM 10 min:
1 min: 5 weighted pullups
1 min: Max effort L-sit
In teams of 2:
For time:
Run 1 mile (together)
60 Toes to bar
60 Alt arm DB snatch
Run 1 mile (together)
*20 min limit if not done with snatches @20 min

Oh dang. Its getting real! Here is all of the info you need to know for 15.3. Paleo breakfast is taking a break this week as Jack is taking his girlfriend to Prom. It will resume next week for 15.4

How old is your soul? 

How are those muscle ups???

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