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Can you do all 20?


Can you do all 20?


You gotta make them work for that fist bump

Thursday 6/25/15

EMOM 20 min:
1 min: Run 200m
1 min: 2 rope climbs
1 min: Row 20/15 cal
1 min: 1 round of cindy (5 pullups 10 pushups 15 air squats)
*If you finish all 20 min RX you will get a extra special prize! If you know that this is too much work for 1 min try 100m, 1 climb, 15/10 cals/ and 3/6/9. The goal is to not have to skip ANY minutes. I would rather you do all 20 with less reps than try to go RX and only do 12
Lunge 400m

We have been thinking about offering additional individual programming for those interested in using CrossFit as their sport. If this is something you would be interested in please let Joe or myself know

Volunteer judges, regionals and the CrossFit games.Judges will always do stupid stuff even if they are paid or not. GRID ref are just as bad as regional judges. If you wear toe shoes and calf tape to judge you should be shot.

You dont need more training you need more recovery 

How does my hair look while I workout? 

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