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Build your mind strength

Crossfit Danville is cool!

Crossfit Danville is cool!

Saturday 3/17/13
3 postition snatch
2-2-2-2-2(try for more than last Sunday)
For time:
Run 800m
KB swings (70/53)
Hand release pushups (Hands on 25s chest to floor)
Run 800m

Congrats to Arnold who competed in his first ever CrossFit comp today. He came in 23rd or 93 guys at Hercules CrossFits Rookie Rumble. Great work from our CrossFit kids program

Great job by everyone who did 13.2 today! We’re not done yet, come by and cheer the Sunday crew on! If you havent signed up yet CLICK HERE TO PUT YOUR NAME IN A HEAT. Also remember to enter your scores by 5pm Sunday for them to count otherwise your scores for the rest of the open wont count

Just found this website yesterday and things its great! I dont know about you but I struggle most with the mental aspect of crossfit. This has some great stuff to help you step your mental game up.

 Are heavy KB swings better than deadlifts?

Dont know if I posted this before but I love this guy

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