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Bring your shin/forearm guards


Bring your shin/forearm guards

Margie wins the award for best workout face in the history of working out

Margie wins the award for best workout face in the history of working out

Tuesday 4/2/13
Every 12 min for 24 min:
Run 1 mile
rest the remainder
Split press/weighted pullup
3×5 w/ as heavy as possible for all 3 sets
“RKC snatch test”
Max single arm KB snatches in 5 min (53/35)
*Goal is 100+

Ummm…interesting CF jorunal topic…..L sits tomorrow???

High carb intake during infancy has lifelong effects 

Not a snatch day but this is pretty sweet none the less

Enjoy the videos while they last! What am I going to put on the website now????

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