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Bring on the cherry picking


Bring on the cherry picking

FYI your old sandals double as forearm protectors from KB snatches. Wade put a patent on it this morning

Wednesday 11/7/12
3 15 min cycles each starting with a 1 mile run:
15 min:
Run 1 mile
Establish a 3RM thruster
15 min:
Run 1 mile
3 sets max reps toes to bar
15 min:
Run 1 mile
Establish a 1RM weighted pushup

Coaches corner: If it takes you 15 min to run 1 mile then we will cut the run down

Exercise could improve brain function

Does meat groose you out? It may be genetic

Some of you are starting to get interested in doing the Outlaw programming which is great. But why dont you read these first so you have some idea as to whats going on and you understand what you are doing before you start. If you have any questions about anything in regards to competing or getting started in Crossfit as your sport please dont be afraid to ask Joe or myself.

One of my top 5 all time favorites!

1 Response

  1. Kathy Sulon

    Hahaha- that cracks me up -Wade’s sandal haha–and I can see him putting a patent on that-good idea!—PS
    See you Thursday !(aka cherry picking)

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