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Bring a deck of cards


Bring a deck of cards


Friday 11/18/16

Paleo chair 5:30
In teams of 2:
Deck of cards
Hearts=Front squat (95/65)
Spades=Power clean (95/65)
Diamonds= Push press (95/65)
Clubs=Ground to overhead (95/65)
Joker=20 burpees each
*Pick a card out of the deck. Complete the number of reps on the card for the given suit. Soooo if you pull the 7 of hearts you complete 7 front squats. Then your partner pulls a card. So on and so on until you finish the deck. Face cards=15
**If you have an extra deck of cards please bring it in case we run out

In case you weren’t home watching the news at 11am this morning….CFD was famous for the day. Check out our sweet insta video that made is famous. 

More people that run comps should read this….Programming better competitions 

CFD holiday party withh be December 17th! Spread the word!

You travel a lot? 

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