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Break in the new ropes….bring extra socks….


Break in the new ropes….bring extra socks….

These are happening!

These are happening!

Wednesday 7/3/13
AMRAP 4 min
Rest 3 min
AMRAP 6 min
Rest 3 min
Finish for time:
Run 200m
20 Burpees
20 Toes to bar
30 Kb snatch to lunge (53/35)(15 L/15R)
30 Wallball shots (20/14)
30 Pullups
100 Double unders
5 rope climbs

Ask coach: For every amrap and finishing the chipper start over from the beginning each time

Remember that there is only one class on the 4th. 9:30am only

Pre order for the shirts above will be open until end of day Sunday. If you want one please fill out the sheet  because we wont order many extra. CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK

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2 Responses

  1. kathy sulon

    hey guys, so you know, when you open the link to order the shirts and then you place the order, a message pops up to pay you by 4./17—-i think that might be a wrong date maybe from your last orders or something. Cool shirts by the way

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