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Body Spec


Body Spec

Wednesday 11/8/17

AMRAP 8 min:
Double unders
In teams of 3:
9 rounds for time:
(3 rounds each)
20/15 Cal assault bike
10 Squat cleans (115/75)
20/15 Cal row
10 Power cleans (115/75)
Partner A does a full round, then B does a full round, then C does a full round. Repeat this 3 times. Treat each round as a SPRINT you get a long rest after! Cleans should be done as unbroken as possible. Don’t leave your partners hanging

General fitness

AMRAP 8 min:
Lateral hops over parallette
AMRAP 30 min:
Run 200m
10 DB squat cleans
10 Burpees
10 DB power cleans
Rest 2 min between rounds

Reminder. Thurs November 30th from 3-8pm Body Spec will be here to do DXA scans. There are only 10 spots left. The scan cost $45 and takes 10 min. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP. You snooze you loose. Its on the blog, events board, news letter, and a sample scan is posted right by the front door……………no excuse for not seeing it

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