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A’s day!


A’s day!


Better and way cooler than the Giants…oh no he didn’t!

Thursday 7/24/14

Max shoulder press (135/85)
Max L pullups
Max shoulder press (115/75)
Max strict pullups
Max shoulder press (95/65)
Max chest to bar pullups
Max shoulder press (65/33)
Max pullups
*rest at least 2 min between efforts
For time:
30-20-10 KB swing (70/53)
10-20-30 Box jump (30/24)
*15 min limit

On Sunday Sept 7th the Oakland A’s are hosting CrossFit day!!! There will be a small comp/WOD before the game in the parking lot. The top 20 gyms in attendance will select 1 participant to represent the gym for the WOD. All of the CrossFitters in attendance will get a special A’s/ CrossFit T-shirt, which is BAD ASS! Field level tickets will be around $25 bucks. If you are interested please let Joe or my self know ASAP because we have to block off tickets!! This sounds super awesome lets get a bunch of people to go to this!!!

For my 5:30 am warriors. 11 ways becoming a morning person will drastically change your life for the better 

32 simple sleep solutions 

Day 1 of watching the CrossFit games and doing nothing else complete! Fronbone comes in 8th on a swim event, thanks for coming everybody else!

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