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4 days to go…


4 days to go…


How long can you hold a handstand?

Tuesday 5/27/14
AMRAP 8 min:
In teams of 2 or 3 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11….
Row for max calories, switch every 15 calories. Perform 10 V-up after each row
Every min on the min for 12 min:
3 Hang power clean+1 Jerk @75% of max clean and jerk
For time:
21 Power cleans (115/75)
21 Lateral bar hops
15 Front squats (115/75)
15 Lateral bar hops
9 Clean (full squat)
9 Burpee bar hop
*15 min time limit

Yogurts with more sugar than a twinkie 

How 1 thing affects pulling biomechanics

Now hold on a minute

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