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Sunday 9/22/19
EMOM 10 min:
1 min: 10 Situps + Max reps hollow rocks
1 min: 20 Barbell good mornings or hip extension
Every 8 minx4
40/30 Cal row
30 Back squats (115/75)
20 Burpees
*6 min time cap per round. Pick a weight that allows back squats to be done unbroken

Danville 60

EMOM 10 min:
1 min: 10 situps + Max reps hollow rocks
1 min: 20 Good morings
Every 8 minx4
40/30 cal row
30 Goblet squats
20 Burpees

Barbells for boobs is October 5th! If you do not want to participate in the workout please consider donating to team CFD or on someones page. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Here is a reminder of what the WOD is this year
3 rounds:
30 Cal row
20 Burpees over Rower
21 Synchro KB swings (53/35)
12 Pullups
10 Clean and jerk (135/95)
*You may do pullups with band or ring row. You may also use DBs for clean and jerk

What rep cutting says about your character

Watch out, good mornings will sneak up on ya

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