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100 ways to say jacket


100 ways to say jacket

Im gonna go out on a limb  and say that we are the only gym that has crossfit knitting....

Im gonna go out on a limb and say that we are the only gym that has crossfit knitting…..

Friday 1/25/13

Movement prep: Watch many times

Snatch (pause at the knee)
In teams of 2:
3 min max effort muscle ups or 3:1 parallette shoot throughs (alternating efforts)
AMRAP 8 min
9 Double KB deadlift (53/35)
6 Double KB hang clean (53/35)
3 Double KB push jerk (53/35)
3 min max effort muscle ups or 3:1 parallette shoot throughs   (alternating efforts)

Ask coach: For the muscle ups/ shoot throughs partner A does a max set then partner B does a max set and so on. You and your partner may break up the KB movements in any way you wish

Going to the gym is a great opportunity to see some bizarre stuff

Is there one right way to run?

Swol Night Shyamalan

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