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Wednesday 9/30/20

zoom 8am 9:30am 12 4:30pm 6pm

The day has finally come. The wonderfully healthy people running the state of California and the county of Contra Costa have allowed gyms to open up at 10% capacity. It’s been 6 and a half months now since we closed and in that time I have aged AT LEAST 6-9 years. Saying its been stressful is the understatement of the century

So what does that mean for CFD? If you have been coming to the gathering of loved ones or protests of gyms being closed, then nothing will change much. If you haven’t been in since March then here’s how things will go. Classes 5:30am 8am 9:30am 12 noon 4:30pm and 6pm, we will also zoom every class for those who choose to stay at home. 12 people per class with a waitlist of 12 people. You have to sign up VIA Mindbody and can sign up for classes a week ahead of time. If you need help figuring that out please let me know. The gym floor is separated into 12 10×7 foot boxes. That is your box for class so stay in it. I will also open up a spot or 2 outside in the drive way for those who are not as comfortable being inside. Noon class (The lunch bunch) is also the slowest class of the day so those not wanting to be around people should probably sign up for then. After each class you must wipe down your equipment as usual and every touchable surface is cleaned and wiped down including spots on the floor, I’m VERY proficient at it by now.
As we go we will start to open up more class times and floor spots. Also a return of of your favorites, DV45, endurance, bardio and possibly gymnastics

From the CFD family we want to say thank you to the community we have because 💯 without your guys support we would have to shut our doors. So thank you for everyone that kept their memberships/came to the park/did zoom/ borrowed equipment/gathered as loved ones/protested/enjoyed adult summer camp. You the real MVP. To everyone that quit but are still looking at the blog and doing the workouts…..I’m not mad….just disappointed. DILFF shirts coming soon. Please email me if you have any questions 🙌

5 Squat cleans
Rest 1 min
3 Squat cleans
REst 1 min
2 Squat cleans
*Increase weight in each 5 min chunk
EMOM 20 min:
1 min: 1 round “Cindy” (5 pull-ups 10 pushups 15 air squats)or 1 round “Nate” (2 muscle ups 4 handstand pushups 8 KB swings 70/53
1 min: 10 Thrusters (95/65)
*DB only = SamE but with DBs
*KB only = 12 kB taters
*NO EQUIPMENT = 15 burpees instead of thruster

AMRAP 15 min:
3 man makers
6 lunges
9 deadlifts
Run 200m
AMRAP 25 min
100 double unders
20 burpees over DB
20 DB snatch
*Burpees and snatch increase by 5 every round

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